Saturday, June 23, 2012

USP 797 Compliance Update

In its annual survey, the magazine Pharmacy Purchasing & Products has again provided a comprehensive and useful guide ti the state of USP 79067 compliance in the United Staes in 2012. The full article can be found on the magazines website ( 

Some highlights of the statistics are provided below, see the complete article for further details and insights can be found on the USP 797 website

About USP 797:, Inc. is the only pharmacy consulting company in the United States that is focused exclusively on USP 797 guidelines, USP 797 standards, and USP 797 compliance. The firm provides USP 797 consulting, as well as USP 797 information through its well known USP 797 website

Amongst the USP 797 topics addressed on, are the following: usp 797, sterile compounding, compounding sterile, usp 797 guidelines, usp 797 standards, usp chapter 797, compounding sterile preparations, usp797, usp 797 pdf, usps 797, usp 797 summary, biosafety cabinet class, and usp 797 regulations.

For further information about USP 797, please go to the website, or contact, Inc. at:, Inc.
1201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10011
T: 212.463.0800

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